Lake Mburo National Park:  Nshara farm neighbors Lake Mburo National park. This park is the leading destination for bird watching, boat cruise and game drives.  It has over 600 bird species according e-bird, there are variety of wildlife such as leopards, elands, buffalos, giraffes and zebras. At our farm, we offer Lake Mburo National Park package as an additional package on your tour.

Bigo bya Mugenyi: Bachwezi form the greatest heritage of the ankole cattle.  Well known as the capital city of the Bachwezi Kingdom, it is approximately 15km from Ntusi farm.  It is an archeological site that could enhance one’s trip in regards to African heritage. It is easy for one to trail and learn about the roots of the Bachwezi. Other destinations related to Bigo bya Mugenyi include Ntusi mounds and Bwogyero.

Ntusi mounds (female and male); these archeological sites are full of bones and pot shells that date centuries back of Bachwezi. It provides physical evidence of life some centuries ago.

Bwogyero – a natural escarpment believed to have been a well/dam of the ancient Bachwezi. The guided walks through these sites accompanied by fascinating stories create an experience one would forego for anything.

Mbarara city

This is another epic place full of great recreations of the urban culture in Western Uganda. It has luxurious accommodation and recreational sites such as Embura farm lodge, Igongo cultural site, cultural as well as historic places like the Ankole palace, Nkokonjeru tombs, African restaurants with rich African dishes, among other things.