Kamihingo Farm

Ankole Cow at Kamihingo Farm

Female ankole cow on Kamihingo farm

Formally established in 1998, Kamihingo agro- tourism farm is a family owned livestock farm and derives its name from Kamihingo Emmanual, the family head and founder. The establishment of this farm is uniquely for promotion and conservation of the prestigious long horned Ankole cattle. In a bid to ensure wider accessibility and service, Kamihingo agro-tourism farm established two farms, one in Sembabule district-Ntusi Farm and Kiruhura District –Nshara Farm. Both farms are home to the best breed of long horned ankole cattle in the sub region. These farms also provide a fantastic ankole cattle experience for the tourists under the agro-tourism department.

Kamihingo Farm Preparing Milk

Main Activities On the Farm

Whilst on our farm, we offer our visitors with a variety of activities with typical ankole herdsman culture touch.  The activities fall different categories and include; Cattle breeding, Food preparation, Housing, Traditional parasite and disease control, Cattle grazing & watering, Music & Entertainment, Milking & cattle grooming, Traditional cattle naming and others;

Animal breeding

Our breeding is continuous and it has been on since 1998 with aim of conserving the best traits for the ankole cattle. Our visitors are taken through the process of animal breeding with a minimum of 2 hours to 6 months. Visitors can buy an animal for breeding, conservation and tourism purposes from our farms s at affordable rates.

Milking (Okukama)

This is the most exciting activity amongst our visitors. It is done every day in the morning and evening hours. We take our visitors through step by step milking process for the prestigious ankole ankole. Our visitors get a chance to learn techniques of hand milking with the traditional milking equipment called Ebyanzi- Miking churns.

Grazing (Okuriisa)

Spending a day with ankole cattle relieves stress. Our clients are given a chance to spend a day on the farm grazing the ankole cattle. It involves going after the cows while they feed and giving them water (okweshera).This can go up to when the cows return to the kraal in the evening. One gets a chance to engage in all day farm activities as cows are herding.

Parasite and disease control

Every Tuesday and Saturday, our clients are able to experience and learn how our ancestors used to control external parasites (okwozya ente), internal parassites deworming (okugaburira) using the traditional medicine and techniques.

Churning (okuchunda)

This is a practice of making ghee. Traditional, this activity is reserved for women and girls.  Our clients get introduced to this process. They have a chance to participate and learn to make ghee. Our guests are taken through a couple of other activities such as smoking milk pots (okwitira) for serving milk, making fire for cows (okuhembera) and many more.

Agro- education

Agriculture is now  a major subject at schools, institutions, Universities etc. At our farms, we have well trained staff offers educative sessions to students, researchers and other farmers on care, management and breeding of the Ankole long horn cattle. We also offer short courses in cattle breeding and dairy business.

Nightlife (Okutarama)

Many of visitors from urban areas always have different imaginations of how the night goes at the cattle farm. Well, the night experience/ night life at the farm is composed of recitations (ebyevugo), games and songs of the Ankole tradition over a camp fire. These steer up the entire experience as one stays at the farm. The ebyevugo could probably be the origin of hip hop & rap music.


As of now, farm camping is the major accommodation provided at our farms, to many, it is an activity while others see it as the eco-friendliest accommodation.  We provide tents to our visitors, sleeping bags and other related beddings. The visitor may travel with own camping tents and we provide the camping grounds.


Our farms can be accessed through majorly road transport means. There buses and commuter taxis from Kampala, Masaka or Mbarara cities depending on the farm of choice.  Nshara farm can also be accessed through air transport means to Mbarara Airfield. The transfers from Mbarara airfield can be arranged with teams.